Hi There,
Thanks for stopping by. Once upon a time I used to blog every single day. I can't promise that sort of commitment anymore these days, but I certainly do love to write. I'm so excited to have our own website! We moved from Etsy after being there for about a year and a half. We reached over 27,600 sales with thousands of five star reviews. We have such a loyal customer base, and we are incredibly blessed. If you've ever bought a sticker from our shop, thank you. If you've ever sat on a livestream on TikTok watching me stare at my computer screen, you're one of the real ones. Most of the work that I do is on my computer, and I am prone to migraines and a melted brain. I will never stop working this business as I have built it from the ground up! However, we are excited to expand. We have new products on the horizon. I've written screenplays, and now I am novelizing one of them. I have two other novel ideas going, one of them I've already sunk my teeth into. I can't wait to share my words with the world. It's always been something I know that I need to do.
Peace, Love & Chocolate,
P.S. Feel free to tell us what you'd like to see in the shop!